We continue our series of reviews about projectors. That week we talked about the laser -related laser market Epson EF-11. If anyone has not read, then in short: this is one of the basic laser projectors, which, with brightness of only 1000 lm and the size of half the Xbox Series S showed no worse than the lamp for 1800 lm and at the same time did not make noise at all at all.

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Today we are taking the next step: we talk about the projector Epson EH-TW750. This is exactly the same matrix 3LCD, but not on the laser, but on a powerful lamp, which gives 3.7 times more light and theoretically with it you can not close the curtains at all and play normally not only in the evenings, but also on sunny days.

Separately, we note that at the time of the EH-TW750 tests, one of the most affordable projectors with Full HD resolution was. Then it could be taken for about 55 thousand rubles, but today the same model is sold for 65,000. However, if someone is interested in everything below, know that old models can still be found on sale TW740 And TW650 , which technically differ only by a slightly smaller brightness, but fit into the coveted "fifty dollars".

Delivery and appearance

TW750 delivery kit is slightly poorer than EF-11. There is only a projector, a power cable and a control panel – no transitional frames for Vesa. However, it is understandable: TW750 is a classic “lamp” in a large white building. Of course, like the EF-11, it can be put on a shelf, from the side of the sofa or even in front of you on the table, and for the first six months a year this will be quite enough. But in the end, you still have to hole the ceiling, buy a holder and hang this TW750 clearly opposite the screen.

The projector is also a pure classic on the device. All connectors from behind, and there are plenty of them here. Firstly, two HDMI. Accordingly, this model can be directly connected immediately and Xbox with PlayStation-well, or PS and some TV setup on Android to organize a full-fledged TV with a media player. There are also mandatory D-Sub VGA along with RCA-this is, of course, a tribute to purely presentation types of use: say, at school or somewhere in the office. There is also an exit to speakers or headphones, as well as USB for, again, flash drives with presentations. You can't slip films through this port.

The power supply is built -in, and, for my taste, it is more convenient than external power. From below we have three adjustable legs, which will come in handy for the first time, until the projector does not hang on the ceiling. On top, respectively, there is a compartment for a lamp – about it a little later – and then a dust filter, which should be washed off periodically. Also on the top panel are all control: arrows for the menu, power, switching sources. However, from experience I can say that you will use these keys only when you lose the control panel.

Immediately on top are such things that are very missing EF-11. This is, first of all, about the curtain for the lens. At home, it does not really need it in a good way, but if the projector is transported somewhere, then covering the lens is a good idea. Secondly, there is an optical zoom, and this is a very useful chip when adjusting the image to the size of the screen. Also, a mechanical regulator of the trapezoid adjustment is installed, but I find it difficult to say how much it is needed because it duplicates the menu items duplicate.

By the way, it is the same as that of the EF-11, but with slightly more expanded energy consumption settings, shutdown timers, as well as working with entrances. Otherwise, all plus or minus the same: the widest trapezoid settings, convenient adjustments in the corners, switching between sources and Mirror Screen parameters, allowing the projector to connect as a wireless screen to a phone or computer.

Myths about the lamp

For work technologies-this is again EF-11. That is, inside there are the same three matrices on Full HD exactly the same size, but not a laser LED shines on them, but a lamp. And here we will dwell in more detail.

The fact is that the lamp in comparison with the laser has both advantages and disadvantages. And there is also a bunch of myths around her. The two most popular sounds like this: the lamp is quickly burned out, and it is worth changing almost like half a projector.

As the owner of one of Epson, I can say that all this with a pitchfork on the water. Yes, the lamps really lose brightness over time, begin to yells and, as a result, just burst. But this takes years. For example, I needed four years of use on the principle of the “TV”, that is, without any savings, I turned it on-and he turned on the background and shows something and shows.

At the same time, the projector worked most of the time at maximum brightness, the resource code is spent especially actively. As a result, my lamp died at 4,600 hours with a stated resource at 5000 hours. For EH-TW750, the resource is indicated at 6,000 hours at maximum brightness, that is, at least 4-5 active years, this lamp will accurately live. It is not a fact that it is at full brightness, but will live.

The second myth is the cost of replacing a lamp in half a projector. This is not true: assembly with a plastic fast replacement module, the lamp costs 10,000 rubles. Of course, this is a serious amount, and when it needs to be laid out at once for the update of the inconsistent projector, it sounds unpleasant. But if divided into five years, it turns out not so scary: 2000 rubles a year. And this, by the way, is still cheaper than overpayment for the LED for EF-11.

This is about the myths. Now about the shortcomings. In a good way, he is alone: ​​the lamp is very hot, and it must be cooled. Three points follow at once from this. Firstly, EH-TW750 is much more in dimensions of the same EF-11. Secondly, it is also noisier: if the laser is not heard at all, then TW750 gives out as much as 43 dB-approximately at the level of a game laptop under full load.

Here, however, I must say that in the evening such a brightness is not needed, and, as a rule, in the dark, the projector is discarded into the “eco”-moderate at 2200 lumens and calms down to normal 32-33 dB. Well, the third moment – the lamp warms the room. On the exhaust, TW750 gets about 45 degrees, and in the summer without air conditioning with him is a hot.

But at the same time, the lamp has two so powerful advantages that with all of the above you can easily come to terms with. The first – the lamp is much cheaper than the laser. The second – at the same time it is many times brighter. If, again, compared with EF-11, then TW750 is 3.7 times brighter, and costs 17% cheaper (at the time of testing) and is much better equipped with ports. Now I'll tell you what such brightness gives us.


To begin with – the most banal, but non -obvious: in the lichen brightness allows you to expand the screen on the bond diagonal. Theoretically, TW750 can draw a picture of inch two hundred – but, alas, I can’t check this: there is no suitable wall.

Further, such brightness is simply convenient in everyday life. In maximum mode, even during the sun, you can not delay the curtains right in the windows and calmly play or watch some series-that is, on this point, the projector is as close as possible to the TV. Of course, I won’t deceive you here: contrast in the afternoon it turns out not the same as on a regular TV, simply because it is impossible to achieve pure black in the afternoon-the sun still turns it into a thumbs and it is impossible to play something dark. But the difference with EF-11, of course, is impressive.

But as for the work in the shaded room, then there is a difference with EF-11, but not such a catastrophic. That is, in the evening, the projector must be taken in eco-mode in any way and reduce brightness so that the eyes do not flow out corny. And at a level of 2200 lm, to which the TW750 can decrease, a huge profit lamp still does not give. Yes, such brightness allows you to calmly turn on the light bulb over itself, it does not lead to the tragedy when the upper light turns on, plus it gives a greater effect with sharp transitions between dark and bright scenes. But, again, without HDR support, this does not particularly affect the final impressions.

And finally about the delay. This is, in fact, another myth that pursues all projectors. Like, it is unrealistic to play them, because too high the incut lag. I’ll be careful here and I will say the following: I personally admit that the e -sportsmen who even buy gaming monitors with a minimum lag under consoles may seem slow. But personally, I, at the household level, do not observe any delays.

That in GEARS of WAR , that in FIFA , that in Super Meat Boy I do not see any difference in speed with my monitors-there is a difference only in color rendering and the number of details in dark zones. Still, that TW750, that the EF-11 is the projectors of the entry-level, and if you set the goal, you can seriously dig into dark zones and green shades. But, frankly, in order to get rid of all this, you have to look at more expensive models.

The tested EF-11 and TW750 are those solutions that have practically no shortcomings for their money. What exactly to choose, lamp or laser? I can say this for myself: in this price range – of course, a lamp. Against its background, EF-11 is only interesting in size and complete silence. Otherwise, the lamp is much more universal: here the set of connectors is richer and more settings, and, of course, the brightness greatly expands the possibilities of using. If the EF-11 in the afternoon gives a frankly sparkle picture and clearly begs with curtains like Blackout, then TW750 calmly practices even with the most ordinary dense curtains.

Recall that the next one on our tests will be another lamp, but already on a slightly more budget and more “folk” DLP technology.

Technical characteristics

Epson EH-TW750 Project technology: 3LCD (0.62 inch) Permission: 1920×1080 Focal length: 14.06 mm Optical zoom: 1.2x Image size: 0.76 – 7.62 m Light source: Lamp, 240 watts Light source resource: 12,000 hours (Eco), 6,000 hours (standard "mode) Brightness: 2200-3700 Lumens Trapezed correction: 30/30 degrees vertically/horizontal Interfaces: USB 2.0, 3.5 mm Jack, 2x HDMI Dimensions: 30.2×25.2×9.2 cm Weight: 2.8 kg Price for August 2021: from 63,000 rubles ($ 840)

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