The brave native of the shelter entered the camera infected with radiation. “We will never forget you,” Paladin Lyons said goodbye to him and ran away in technical tunnels. Chris Bane went to the terminal with a digital panel. "I am an alpha and omega …" – flashed in his memory. With an unsteady hand, he scored code 216, but hit the input key decisively. The car buzzed, gamma rays flashed with renewed vigor, from the suddenly rolled weakness, Chris lost consciousness ..
The native of the shelter saved the project "Cleanliness" and … survived. The events of the original game continue – ahead of new adventures, new weapons and armor, new horizons – ten more levels and a bunch of additional abilities.
Three dozen water boxes
The project "Cleanliness" earned, the enclave is again beaten and scattered in a panic. Brotherhood with a proudly raised head finishes the sprayed forces of the "real" Americans, carries good in the wasteland, gives out clean water for free. Paladins in sparkling armor are scattered along the scorched ground along with caravans of liquid gold. We wake up in the citadel and find out what we spent two weeks in a coma. During this time, the fraternity finalized Liberty Prime and with its help destroyed the main base of the enclave-Rayven Rroke. However, the blow in the heart did not kill the monster – government troops are still resisting. Moreover, they do it in an organized. The fraternity of the fraternity found that there is another enclave bunker in the wasteland-somewhere in the southwest, in a place called Rockland.
While the native of the shelter was unconscious, the paladins explored the situation, but did not find a single entrance to the coordination base. Well, the brotherhood decided to go along a simple path. If there are no holes for entering, it must be done. To do this, Paladin Tristan and Liberti Prime sent to Rockland. A huge robot easily bold all the strengthening of the enclave, struck the hole in the wall of the military complex, and then intercepted the signal about the orbital strike, which destroyed the main stronghold of democracy. The strongest weapon of the fraternity was destroyed, and the native of the shelter again became the main hope of the world for salvation ..
The right look at the broken steel
This is where the normal ending of the original Fallout! Kutsya videos and minimal impact on the world are not random – everything is yet to come. Only the strategy is unlikely to choose the right. If Fallout 3 have from the very beginning of thirty levels, an additional piece of territory and a story about orbital missile satellites, no one would stink about a greased ending. What was not enough for us? The influence of our exploits on the world. Remember how in Fallout 1 and 2, after the victory over the boss, Ron Perlman said in a hoarse voice that Junktown was flourishing, and Broken Hills was finally abandoned? In Fallout 3, the player’s accomplishments met a few words – “New Hope” or “Beach of Humanity”. Moreover, this choice is made not during the game, but only in one last conversation.
Why Broken Steel was not included in the original game, it remains only to guess. But whatever it really is, the purpose of the addition is obvious – to refresh interest in the game, expanding it with the further development of the character and new territories. Only now the lining came out with relevance – most of the players have already passed Fallout 3, pulled many miles of wasteland and removed the game on the shelf. And it is unlikely that a new level of levels and additional tasks will return them, because in order to gain access to filling Broken Steel, you need to go through the main task of the game – to find a father again, save the world, break the enclave.
Otherwise, this is all the same Fallout 3, but with a slight advantage towards the militant. You will have to fight a lot and often, but the shootings are better implemented here than in Operation Anchorage. Broken Steel is more dynamic and more spectacular, but also not deprived of interesting tasks. This, in fact, is just a continuation of the story of the game, and not some separate adventure. After the Broken Steel activation, you will see the results of your solutions – try to poison the water in the cleaner and see how the wasteland will react to this.
Excellent, but very belated addition. He would have to go out with the original game – and then there would be no doubt about Fallout 3. Now it is work on errors. An unpleasant sensation accompanies throughout the game.
With whom we are fighting?
• Albino Radscorpion
More rare than conventional giant radocorpions, albinos are much more dangerous and stronger. They do not differ in size, but terrifying power is hidden under the snow -white chitin. These mutants are comparable in strength to the hippos, and the health of the hand of death (1,500 versus 500). Few people in the wasteland experienced a meeting with such a monster, but eyewitnesses say that a very toxic poison flows in the hogs of white scorpions, which kills a person in a few seconds.
Albinos most often appear near the wide roads, so be careful in places such as Aref. Hunters say that they saw Scorpions at the Arlington library and near the southwestern tunnel.
The main weakness of Albinos is that for an attack he needs to approach the victim closely, and for this it must at least catch up with it. We need to apply a number of countermeasures: run faster, climb to the heights inaccessible to the predator, slow down Scorpio, distract his attention. How to do it? First, when meeting with a scorpion, be sure to relieve heavy armor. She will not help to survive, and the slowing effect will rather kill you. Secondly, look for stones, protrusions, plates, buildings and all that spirit. Radscorpions are large and stupid – they do not know how to climb. Thirdly, always carry Dart Gun or Railway Rifle with you-these types of weapons are very painful on the limbs, easily breaking them. Shoot on the legs and win. Fourthly, you need to use the help of satellites. Dogmith is especially good – he does not bite too much, but he distracts Albinos and does not allow him to attack. Finally, the last advice-learn some prayer. Perhaps it will help.
This is advice: Do not spare ammunition for strong enemies. If there is a “fat man” in your pocket, you should spend a couple of shells on a dangerous enemy-mini bombs in the game more than fifty pieces. Enough for everyone.
• Feral Ghoul Reaver
Radiation – terrible thing. If you thought that Guli who raged crazy is a crown of degradation, you can assume that you were mistaken (some were fatal). The new species of deaths is more dangerous than the entire population of Necropolis. Feral Reaver, although insane, still wears the remains of iron armor, and its radiation mutations allow him to throw entire clots of destructive energy into enemies. These "balls" easily cripple the limbs, and when the half -trumper overtakes the target, it straightens with it for a couple of strokes.
Padalmers and seekers of all pre -war trash say that this species of deaths appeared recently – they came from the south through underground tunnels. Many reckless travelers were destroyed by these bloodthirsty creatures. Twice as hard as death (1100 versus 500 hits), they can easily deal even with a detachment of a fraternity or enclave armed to the teeth.
If you met Feral Ghoul Roamer, try to immediately damage his legs. These ruins are inexplicably fast and can get to the hero in two or three jumps. It is worth it to be nearby, you can load the preservation – the blows of the ghoul are stunned by the character, do not allow to get together, knock down the sight. Dogmails in such a fight – not an assistant, Guli easily deal with him, so it is better to leave him safe.
In a fight with Feral Ghoul Reaver, beware of bugs. If you use a weapon knocking down, then get ready to quickly run away. Instead of falling, guli become invulnerable and just continue to beat you. Another bug makes a dead man super -elastic (the body just hangs at a wild speed), and it is impossible to get into the reptile of a weapon, but in v.A.T.S all stops and the bullets reach the goal. Grenades are also good, and the best option is to minimize approaches, and then then lure the enemy there.
• Super Mutant Overlord
A little fewer hippos, but more simple mutants, overlords are very dangerous thanks to thick skin (and, apparently, even smaller amounts of the brain) and heavy armament. These creatures are so great that even hunting and sniper rifles can use as pistols, shooting from them with only one hand.
For the wasteland, rumors have rumors that the lords of mutants appeared immediately after the events at the Jefferson Memorial. Mutants still go from the north, just now a new, much more dangerous look has appeared. Lovers love to arm themselves with triple laser rifles, machine guns, rocket launchers and supermols. These individuals are two and a half times tenacious of death (1250 hits), and in close combat it is much more dangerous, for nothing that they are not differed by agility.
In a fight with the lord of mutants, try to hold on to shelter until the target approaches a sufficient distance for an accurate shot. The best weapon for the fight is energy. Like all mutants, overlords are very vulnerable against plasma and laser weapons. They are especially afraid of the blaster of strangers, who literally from three or four shots evaporates this “wonderful” mixture of FEV and radiation.
• ENCLAVE Hellfire Trooper
This is a special title in the hierarchy of Anylava soldiers. Hellfire fighters are specially prepared for actions at high temperatures. Their protective costumes perfectly resist flame, and they are armed with special flamethrowers. The soldiers of this rank are somewhat stronger than their colleagues (250 hits), and their armor is the most durable in the game.
The best way to defeat such an enemy is to shoot a weapon, hands, in the head and use a weapon that knocks down. If you were already in Anchorida, then the Gauss rifle will be an indispensable assistant in the battles. Tesla's gun, according to rumors, perfectly breaks through the black armor of the enclave.
We cause good
Most Broken Steel is notable for volume. There are a lot of new locations, there are also enough tasks, there are also “fresh meat”. Naturally, in order to go through all this, the Savior will need an impressive arsenal of deadly devices: armor and weapons. Here we will start with this.
• Heavy Incinrator
In the enclave, a new flamethrower was invented, which, however, is more like a mortar, only shoots burning clots. As a result, the enemy receives more damage (from touch and from combustion), and you can get it a hundred meters, because Incinrator shoots, and does not just spray a gasoline-core mixture. True, the design and the disadvantages – the “bullets” do not fly directly, but in the parabola, therefore, to get into the enemy, you need a good eye, because you will have to shoot with a serious lead.
The burner is an excellent weapon to combat all types of opponents (especially if there are many in one place), except for those who are armed with them. Enclave soldiers in Hellfire armor calmly bathe in the ocean of fire without experiencing any malaise. Most likely, the fiery ants from Greydich will also react to the new toy of the protagonist with bewilderment – they themselves are a flame.
Incinrator, perhaps the most long -range and at the same time accurate weapon. In particular, because the player does not need special accuracy when shooting – clots beat in the area, setting fire to everything around. The firing range is so great that you can water the other bank of the Potomak River with fire, and the opponents will not even understand what struck them.
This weapon is influenced by the Pyromaniac features, so that there will be complete damage in the area of 160 points plus burning – this is a lot, even a blaster of strangers cannot boast of such indicators. Very important advantage of the weapon – it quickly cripples parts of the body, so if the hand of death is chasing you, then shoot at his feet – you will not be mistaken.
Verdict : excellent weapons outside Broken Steel, since in the rest of the world few people have a fire protection.
• Rapid-Touch And SLO-BURN FLAMER
Two new flamethrowers can be found inside Crauler of the Enclave at the airbase. Both of them, although unique, are completely useless and suitable only for a collection of weapons. Rapid-Touch is generally two times worse than the old man Burnmaster, and Slo-Burn is only a little better. These burners really have no features, and their little damage and high protection from the fire at the enclave make them completely useless.
Verdict : on a landfill … well, or under glass – as exhibits.
• Precision Gatling Laser
It can be found during the WHO Dares Wins in the Enclave's Armory Mobile base. It's easy to get lost inside, but it’s actually not difficult to navigate. Just find the honey carrier (in Dormitory), and there there will be weapons nearby (on the same floor). Beware of the Enclave Sigma squads. It happens, they pour in crowds from some unimportant nook and make a plasma pie from the protagonist. However, this is not all. To get a unique gun, you will have to deal with the owner of the weapons – a very thick and dangerous healthy man. The Victory Recipe is simple: shoot in the head.
Precision Gatling – a very interesting gun. At first glance, it is no different from the usual. The damage is the same, the margin of safety is also. The main difference can only be seen in the editor. The exact laser machine gun gives critical shots eighty times more often than ordinary (and eight times more often than Vengeance). If you have acquired features that enhance critical blows and improved luck, then with this gun it will be very fun and gracious to live.
The maximum damage of the Precision Gatling Laser is 127, this is 50 less than that of Vengeance, but it would seem that the difference is easily compensated by critical blows.
Verdict : If you are professionally using energy weapons, then be sure to take this handsome man on a hike. And against the Enclave detachment, it will help, and it will finely chop the hand of death and fry right on the fly.
Laser rifle – is it wonderful? It turns out that this is found in the vastness of the wasteland. Another question is where to find such a curiosity? We can say that the entire center of the metropolitan wasteland is filled with such toys. They are preferred to use special supermutants who are closing overlords. These creatures are incredibly tenacious, so you will have to fight for the energy killing.
However, the battle for weapons is worth. Tri-BEAM knows how to shoot enemies from his feet in one gulp, and the damage causes very significant-more than two hundred per shot. How it turns out? The "sawn -off shotgun" of the laser rifle produces three rays at once, each inflicts full damage – 75. If you add up flows of energy, a very strong flash is obtained. It’s only a pity that three times more ammunition is needed for fiery fun. Three rays – three batteries.
Verdict : TRI-BEAM LASER RIFLE is a great gun, but you can’t repair it with ordinary types of rifles, and this is a very serious problem-you will have to comb the wasteland in search of special types of super-mutants.
• Callahan’s Magnum
It is very difficult to get this incredible in power and speed of shooting – you will have to literally break the walls. It is stored in the basement of the citadel, and to destroy it, you will need a powerful weapon … for example, an orbital missile blow. The ability to cause death from the sky will appear in the Who Dares Wins mission. When the citadel is destroyed, and the whole fraternity began to chase you – go to the center of the funnel and choose a well -deserved prize.
This revolver in all respects is better than Blackhawk: damage and rate of shooting – higher, strength – more. But is it worth it for this piece of metal and wood to destroy the whole settlement? The collector will say with confidence: "Yes".
Verdict : not too useful. When you can get it, bullets will no longer be relevant.
• Tesla Cannon
The new answer of the fraternity of the non -illusory threat of the enclave! The gun of such a fashionable fallout Tesla burns holes in the multi -meter armor of tanks, knocks Vertiberda, dissolves power armor. Tesla’s terrible weapon can only be assembled on the assignment – Shock Value, so it is impossible to miss it.
Tesla Cannon has amazing shock power – 120 points. This indicator can hardly be considered accurate, because it hits the area, and even has a residual effect. Suppose an Enclave soldier is hiding behind the strengthening, there is no way to get him – there are full of “friends” around, and they all shoot us cheerfully. What to do? Just let the charge in the ground, and there, you see, he will overtake the target. The gun copes especially well with Vertiberds, who lose the ability to fly after the first shot. Watchtow guns are also not enthusiastic about the flows of energy – even Mark VII bursts like balls from the first shot. It remains to solve only one problem – repair. It is difficult to repair Tesla Cannon – the weapon is very rare, and there is nothing to replace it. There are only a dozen of them in the game – a couple in the citadel, and another eight at the Adams air base, but they will appear there only after you complete the task of Who Dares Wins.
Verdict : a very powerful thing – I strictly recommend.
• Composite __Recon __Armor
Secret composite reconnaissance, although it exists in the wasteland, but no one has ever seen it. Unless you met the helmet, and even that one on the head of the weapons on the mobile base of the enclave. You can get the whole set only through the console.
It is completely incomprehensible to what such a mystery. In fact, composite armor is not very different from the usual. Well, think, it is a little stronger than it, and the helmet gives +1 to wisdom. But this is not Fallout 2, where s.P.E.C.I.A.L very strongly affects the character. Here this unit looks funny, and hiding the armor because of it is stupid. Composite armor a little “thicker” as usual – about 50%. She withstands more hits, only all.
Verdict : if you are hiding in darkness, then it is better not to come up with anything. However, think about it: it is impossible to honestly get clothes.
• Hellfire __Power __Armor
This is really great power armor. Hellfire received such a name due to high resistance to fire, but in all other things this product of the enclave technology is beautiful. To begin with, this is the best in the game an indicator of the resistance to damage (50 points), which only the unique T-51B can boast, which cannot be repaired. Hellfire Power Armor is generally repaired by any kind of enclave armor, which means that you will not be left without spare parts.
Another argument when choosing – these armor does not impose a fine on dexterity. If you prefer light weapons, then you cannot find better protection. In addition, this costume is the only one in the game gives such a serious resistance to fire. When meeting with an enclave armed with Heavy Incinrator, this armor may be the only way to survive. Finally, the costume gives a very good protection against radiation and adds one point to strength, although it takes one from the charm. In addition, he looks very frightening. You will undoubtedly produce a splash in some small town.
Verdict : Hellfire Power Armor – excellent armor if you are not confused by the turtle speed with which the hero moves.
This is interesting: This armor is very similar to a mixture of samples of the fraternity of steel and advanced developments of the enclave. Obviously, the "genuine government" has not only resources, but also technologies for creating advanced weapons.
Hellfire Power Armor is very much like a costume from Iron Man movie. Maybe Bethesda artists drew inspiration from there?
We become stronger
In addition to weapons and armor, ten new levels and a whole bouquet of features appeared in Broken Steel. Many of them are useless or insignificant. We will figure out what and how.
Puppies. Level 22 is required.
Puppies were born at the dogmite! If he dies, you can take a small copy to the team. You can make this trick as many times as you like – there are no restrictions.
The only plus of this skill is that the puppy of the dogmite twice as many health points. The rest of the furry companion is not worth a whole feature. Anyway, some mutant will cut him down or burn the firumine of the enclave. Unfortunately, plasma dogs do not live.
This is interesting: This feature is a legal opportunity to endlessly gain experience and karma. The dog appears again all the time.
Deep Sleep. Level 22 is required.
You always get enough sleep, regardless of where you are resting – in a warm crib, on bare ground or standing. After each rest, the character receives 10% of the experience more.
Perhaps the most important skill in the game. Experience around and so more than enough runs.
Quantium Chemist. Level 22, science 70 is required.
You are just a genius of chemistry. Of the ten ordinary nyuk-kol, you can mix special-quantium. Moreover, do it automatically, and only Pip-be reminds that Nyuka-Cola has passed into a luminous state.
This strange ability has only two reasonable applications. The first is for treatment, although the game is already full of steampicks, cans of water and bags of blood that do not increase the level of radiation of the hero. The second more or less sane justification is to win in the Nuka-Cola Challenge mission, where you need to collect three dozen luminous bottles. However, there are more than two hundred of them in the game, so this reason is hardly worthy of attention. Finally, the third application is for the manufacture of Nyuk-granate, which are very, very painfully exploding. If you like to throw bombs, then this feature is for you. And if not, bypass it.
This is interesting: For some reason, the cold nyuka-kola does not turn into a quantium.
Devil’s Highway , Karmic Rebalace , Escalator to Heaven. Level 24, karma is required.
The trio of abilities, which in the blink of an eye convey an indicator of the hero karma to “very evil”, “neutral” or “very good”.
Absolutely meaningless ability. Want to become angry – steal and kill. Someone else's good and people in the wasteland is full. And if you really want to be good, gain full pockets of water and bring to the suffering. In addition, there is a church in Raivet-City where you can sacrifice, and then steal money back.
No Weaknesses. Level 24 is required.
You just have no weaknesses – all indicators s.P.E.C.I.A.L in an instant rise to mark 5.
Very frivolous level for 24 levels. If you had any characteristics below the 5th mark, then they turned out to be secondary and insignificant. At such high levels, the influence of a pair of three glasses s.P.E.C.I.A.L will be slightly, but you will in vain spend a valuable ability.
Nerves of Steel. Level 26, dexterity 7 required.
You have steel nerves, you better endure long battles, and the action points are restored faster.
Perhaps this is a bug, but this feature does not affect the glasses of action that return a little faster-only 1 in 10 seconds. In other words, Nerves of Steel either does not work at all, or does not work as planned. Do not take it – there is no need.
Rad Tolerance. Level 26, endurance 7 required.
You will not suffer from the initial symptoms of irradiation (-1 to endurance), but the average and high levels will still poison life.
A very strange feature, since it is not clear who needs it. There is a whole bunch of ways to get rid of radiomas or prevent them: special costumes, medicines, sleep. Yes, and fines for radiation disease in the game are very insignificant, moreover, the peculiarity of them does not relieve them.
Warmonger. Level 26, intelligence 7 required.
You are just a genius of scotch and hammer and you can collect any weapon even without drawings.
This feature can be both useful and absolute garbage. If you have risen or simply did not collect drawings, Warmongger will look good in a collection of skills. However, to the 26th level, most of the game will most likely be passed, and all drawings are found. In addition, to this mark, absolutely all the prefabricated weapons will become useless. The ball rules the plasma, the blaster of strangers and the tesla gun.
Party Boy. Level 28 is required.
You are such an avid drunkard that the effects of alcoholic addiction do not work on you. Drink until you drop!
No matter how I tried to find meaning in this ability, nothing came of it – it simply has not. For the whole game, I had only a couple of bottles of wine, and even then at low levels. By the 28th, I had a supply of more than 500 steampacks, so I could score the entire enclave with my bare hands. Be that as it may, funny fines of -1 to dexterity and charm from alcoholic addiction are unlikely to cripple anyone. Another useless skill.
Nuclear Anomaly. Level 30 is required.
You are just some kind of anomaly charged with radiation. When your health falls to the mark 20, you create a powerful atomic explosion that destroys everyone around. Allies too.
A funny, even useful feature, but only at low levels of complexity. Against strong enemies (and on Very Hard they are all strong) is absolutely useless, since the character dies earlier than manages to explode. The threshold of twenty points is too small to purposefully use the ability – you can suddenly lean the hooves.
Almost Perfect. Level 30 is required.
You are almost perfect. Almost. All parameters s.P.E.C.I.A.L grow to mark 9.
Perhaps the most useful ability in all Broken Steel. It's a pity, however, that she cannot be taken earlier when she really needs it. Correctly developed characters to the 30th level can catch up with all skills to 100 and forget about basic parameters forever. However, if you still want to achieve perfection, then do not collect the figurines until you get this ability. So you can raise all the parameters to the perfect dozens. But why?
“For a long time we have not seen each other,” Chris Bane thought when he woke up and saw the elder Lyons. For six months it has passed since the unpleasant event about which Chris wanted to forget all his heart. “You were disconnected for two weeks. As long as you were not, we picked the kicks of the enclave, but they do not give up, we need you ". In general, as usual. Chris reluctantly got up from a hard metal gurney, surprised that Lyons's daughter is also “resting” (which is very strange, because she ran away from the control hall), but still went to visit the clerk of Rothschild. Without Liberty Prime in the laboratory of the citadel, it became somehow empty. He used to occupy half the room, as if hanging over everything, creating an atmosphere of struggle for a just cause. Now a biped-legged giant breaks somewhere and burn the body of the enclave body. By the way, Rothschild wanted to talk about this. You, they saved, slept, and we fought at that time. True, Liberti Prime mercilessly crushes the troops of the enclave, so we can do it without you. But since you woke up, go along with Paladin Tristan to spray the communication complex, otherwise the enclave is insolent-it resists in an organized.
Chris checked the trophy rifle of Gauss, reloaded the blaster of strangers, wiped his favorite plasma rifle and silently went south. At twenty (levels, not years) he was already a professional hero and did not ask unnecessary questions.
Communication point
Rockland tunnel was literally a hundred steps from the Tenpenny tower. Chris has long been used to all these travels. Sometimes he longed out that these mountains of the Rukhlyadi in the form of cars, perhaps on the go, but the high level of intelligence (10) prompted him – two hundred years passed, they all rusted and rotten. Eh, how great it would be with comfort and a hot breeze to rush through the wasteland … And you have to spend precious batteries on scorpions and bears. Chris was not enthusiastic about the new job. A hard couch in the citadel is better than a hot radioactive desert ..
By the evening of the third day, he nevertheless reached the tunnel and joined the Tristan Paladin group.
– Well, youth, I’m ready to put your ass with an enclave? -Tristan, atically patted Chris on the shoulder, as if he had not saved the metropolitan wasteland, was not in Anchorida, did not free the slaves in Pitt and did not smell the plasma at all.
– Of course, ready, go. – Chris moved to the exit without unnecessary questions. What tactics, what planning if Liberty Prime is with them? He already saw him in action, on the way to the cleaner. Then this colossus did all the work, and now it is in complete combat readiness, so there is nothing to be afraid of.
So it happened. Liberty Prime with multi -colored lasers shit all the fortifications of the enclave and cleared the way to the center of communication. A huge robot on a scale struck a good hole in the wall, and the next moment announced an orbital blow that was aimed at … right at it. Chris barely managed to run away to a safe distance, like from the sky, like a black hail, rockets fell. For a moment it became quiet, and then a chain of explosions thundered, one louder than the other. When the smoke scattered, Chris saw that little is the prime from Liberty. The knights of the fraternity looked at the dying giant bewildered, as if they did not believe that he could be defeated at all. However, the mission did not end there, behind the broken wall of the complex there were still satchers of the enclave and valuable intelligence.
In fact, a communication complex is a very light location. There are no forks, traps and labyrinths here. A whole detachment of fraternity attack aircraft will go inside. Theoretically, you can just get up at the entrance and wait until the brave paladins will deal with the enclave. But if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, break forward, otherwise you won’t get there.
There is nothing remarkable in the complex, and from enemies only the usual soldiers of the enclave with plasma guns and machine guns. Only the owners of Gatling Laser are dangerous, but only if your armor gives too little protection.
After stripping the building, we approach the computer, download the information and go out into the secret door, which “accidentally” was nearby. The first task is just a funny post -shooter, and there are no tricks here. However, nothing interesting and memorable too.
When Chris returned to the citadel, Rothschild literally fell upon him. He was almost furious, which, however, is not surprising – the fraternity was restored by Liberty Prime for many years. This pre -war symbol of power was supposed to ensure the victory over the enclave and the prosperity of the wasteland in the future. Now the brotherhood was again in the full ass: the enemy, although it was beheaded, but not defeated, and their technical level is much higher than that of the Brotherhood. In general, Rothschild's disorder can be understood, although Chris always believed that there will always be his chosen one for each strong. This has already happened more than once, and after the inclusion of “purity”, Chris firmly believed in the purpose.
After a couple of hours, Rothschild stopped whining, pulled himself together and invited Chris to help in the development of new weapons, which “certainly put your ass with an enclave”. Tesla coils are great, although they are guarded by the hands of death. Rothschild noted on the map the Old-Olni power station and blessed the Savior for exploits. Why exploits? And because the paladins of brotherhood are still the cowards. We say we will stay here to protect the citadel, water supply and all that. And you, since so cool, go alone.
Chris slapped the laboratory door loudly and left. This time north.
Old-Olnie met him with a roar of death. Chris was already here, so the clawed killers were not afraid at all. He prepared a plasma rifle and carefully, without sudden movements, entered the city. All the same ruins, the same nasty breeze that seemed to settled here, the same broken hopes. An aggressive roar rolled around the town, from the south he answered another, then two more. A whole brood of monsters sheltered here, they already smelled meat and decided to have lunch with the whole flock. “As luck would have it, left the atomic grenade launcher at home,” Chris thought and pressed against the wall of the nearest house. The position turned out to be extremely successful: the whole street is visible, on the right is a mountain of trash, which adjoins the wall, on the left is another street – the path for retreating.
Putters of the Wasteland appeared twenty seconds later. They fled easily and gracefully, but there was something sinister in this. Chris gave the creatures a small head start and released a dozen charges at once. There were fewer attackers – one broke up into molecules, turning into a puddle of green dirty tricks, the other was very burned, but two more were very closely approaching. Chris grabbed a blaster, made three shots and immediately darted to the left. He was covered with bluish ash, claws flickered above his head, a hot breath of death hit his face – the monster was so close. The Savior of the Wasteland closed his eyes and scurried into the sewer hatch, which was so successfully under his feet ..
Perhaps you have already been to Old-one. Here you can find medical force armor … and a dozen hands of death, which for some reason chose this town. They are now here: outside and upstairs, so be careful and prepare a weapon that cripples the parts of the body. Blaster of strangers is also good (actually, it is always good).
There is nothing delicious in the ruins of the city and in the sewer under it, but above it is already more interesting. The power station is destroyed almost completely, but still produces energy, and an enclave flew into the light, like a moth. A little fun, five sets of power armor and a bunch of plasma weapons are provided. Do not miss a few packs of extraterrestrial batteries that will be scattered across the power plant building. They are obviously not by chance ..
Beware of security robots. These tenacious creatures with machine guns and missiles are very dangerous, but if you met with them before, then there will be no problems – there are not many of them here, and they are only attacking one, very rarely – two in two.
Do not forget to turn off the power supply when you get to Tesla's coil. If you grab it without precautions, you can easily give the ends. You can take it and so, of course, but after the hacking of the computer, after all, they will give experience.
Having rejected the coil, get up and immediately transfer to the citadel. Give the spare part to the paladin to Tristan, and the mission will be completed.
When Chris returned from the campaign for the coil, the fraternity has already deciphered the information captured in the center of communication. The missile blow was, of course, not random-someone managed a military satellite, and this someone at the Adams air base, which can only be reached by the secret metro branch. The Savior did not even have time to relax, as the brotherhood entrusted him with another very important mission – to deal with those who destroyed Liberty Prime, because they will not hit the citadel for an hour, and then everything will end very quickly and very sadly.
Two days later, Chris Bane reached the entrance to the secret metro. Everything is as usual – nothing remarkable. Even in the presidential dungeon there are hum. Chris pulled a mask on his head, which he received ten more levels ago, and calmly went along the tunnels. Hovering the computer, he made all the security robots surprisingly friendly, and the dead saw in it. After a couple of hours, a little tired, creepy and saturated with portraits of the presidents, he climbed the surface and killed two dozen enclave soldiers, and there was still a huge monster of steel ahead, which, it seems, was able to accommodate the population of more than one shelter ..
Chris recounted the batteries (there were more than 3,000 different types), checked the machine gun, straightened his favorite glasses and calmly moved to the target, sowing death, destruction and chaos along the path. As befits a real chosen one ..
Enclave mobile platform is a treasure on wheels. Rather, on the caterpillars, although what's the difference to us? But you still have to get to it … through another treasury – the Air Base Adams. To get started, do not forget to take Tesla's gun, it will lie peacefully in the box right at the entrance to the location. Inspect the neighboring buildings-on some there are four to five high-level turrets at once. “Tesla” is very useful here – it hits much further than any security device, so calmly blow up everything you see.
Then you need to move very carefully. The base is literally teeming with an enclave, and no one is going to help us. Sometimes you can get involved in a shootout with two or three dozen bad guys at once-they run literally from all sides, and even the most strong armor does not save from the flows of fire and clots of plasma. What to do? First, get drunk "psycho". Secondly, take a good position. The base is full of hangars – any. Everything is better than fighting on a flat trim like a table.
Break to the team tower – it makes no sense to completely clean the base, since the clods of the enclave for inexplicable reasons are an end to the rod, preventing the player from relaxing. There is a computer upstairs through which you can open the entrance to the mobile base. Open and do not pay attention to the markers of the map – they can be in this place in this place.
These are real treasures! Although the base is teeming with soldiers, but the prey is worth it. Here even a blaster of strangers with ammunition can be found, and how many other valuable junk is there – and do not count. Be sure to visit the storekeeper, there is a unique weapon, and the armor is rare, and the mountains of ammunition. I always liked to rob the enclave – these guys have delicious things in bulk, and most importantly, they are soft and very vulnerable, so you can take all this good easier.
Having walked around the base, go to the central computer and start an orbital blow. The list will have five goals: citadel, project "Cleanliness", long-suffering megaton, Rayette City, mobile platform. The enclave has everything under the cap, but lovers of large booms are happy early – you can send death from the sky only to the citadel or on your head. Here choose yourself who to shoot at.
Whatever you decide, after confirmation of the coordinates, run to the landing site at the top. The trophy vertiber of the fraternity will arrive there, who will take you to the citadel … or to what is left of it.
• • •
Chris Bane looked at the burning remains of the Enclave mobile platform with a smile. Today he felt even more chosen than before. The pocket warmed the trophy blaster of strangers, and the collection of unique things was replenished with new exhibits. Chris felt that he had been stronger than he was before. The enclave once again got what he deserved, and the wasteland healed with her, a little wild life.
Rumors go that somewhere far from here they saw a huge flying disk. Has this or true – no one knows. Where he was allegedly seen, instead of people only ash remained. It is possible that these are aliens whose existence is pointless to deny. One thing is for sure – when they get here, Chris will be ready to meet them. Like every chosen one, he is always ready ..
Interesting little things
- The death of Liberty Prime is a reference to the first Fallout and death of the caretaker, as well as to some extent, the reference to the film “Terminator”, where in the last scene the already exhausted robot without legs and only with one hand crawls behind Sarah Connor. Liberty is damaged in the same way, and he crawls with the same manner.
- At the Old-Olni power station, you can find several sets of extraterrestrial batteries and unambiguous instructions that they are not accidentally here. The building is partially under the control of the enclave – coincidence?..
- In fact, the device control over the hands of death is absolutely useless in the task for which it is issued (Shock Value). There is only one cage with a monster on the location, but all enemies are outside the transmitter’s action, so that the hand of death simply dies when it goes beyond these limits.
- Tesla coil control room is also stuffed with alien batteries.
- The victory over the enclave does not mean the final victory at all, so random meetings in the Wasteland will still remain.
- By the way, this is not even half the strength of the enclave. That the elected destroyed in all this time-somewhere a third.
- If you did not blow up Crowler, it will not work there anyway. Rake up good and take your legs.
- Some Vertiberda will be stable in the player. Caution – they usually produce three missiles at a time, and this is often fatally.
- Who Dares Wins – the motto of the British unit SAS.
- If you carefully take a closer look at the cameras in the presidential metro, you can notice that the “eye” of the camera is one to one similar to Hal 9,000 from the “space Odyssey”.
- The game has a cut version of Tesla's gun. Initially, it was to be a hybrid of a rocket launcher and a plasma rifle, which shot missiles in the energy shell.
- There are assumptions that the main tool of Liberty Prime is the Tesla gun.
- If you look into the trunk of Tesla's guns, you can see the coil itself. Just do not press the trigger!
- In one of the toilets of the Enclave mobile base, there is a mere mess. Crowning a non -appetite pile of chewing gum. Do not eat radioactive food ..
- Crauler enclave is very similar to the real special transport of NASA. Well, it can also be compared with Crowner Jaul from Star Wars.
- In the presidential metro, the only train in the Wasteland was preserved. Everyone else is more like a pile of scrap metal.
- Judging by the condition and location of the train in the presidential metro, it was never used. Instead of the Adams base, the Commander -in -Chief of the United States flew to the Seidon tower.
- Computer m.A.R.Go.T. – This is most likely a reference to Portal Blados Cially Cyberliness.
Beware of the bugs
- If you have a version from 1C in Russian, then Broken Steel will not work. You can update the game to version 1.5, you can complete the main task, but after the screensavers it is not counted, and you will remain locked in the control room "Cleanliness".
- After obtaining the ability of Puppies! You can not hire followers, except for dogmith puppies. It is better to save his life than to educate offspring.
- It happens that a super humant Fox disappears after passing the main task. Try to look for it in the citadel or in the Museum of History.
- If you woke up under the couch in the hospital, then patch 1.5 installed incorrectly. This is actually not a bug.
- A map at the Adams air base can get care. Markers will show the wrong way where you need to go on assignment. So in some places you will have to think, and not just go to the points.
- After traveling to Trainquiley Line, you can remain a child. Wasteland for children is not a toy.
- The clerk Rothschild may forget to lead you to the map in the Laboratory of the Citadel. Instead of a story about the latest news, he will do his usual business. Do not forget to survive before the conversation!
- In some screensavers on the engine, it happens that the characters just freeze in place. Most often, the following method helps: save in a separate cell (so as not to threw anything), and then load immediately. Should help.